Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:30!
Come as you are, we want to see YOU in worship. Having the ability to worship the Lord is a blessing and worshiping together in God's house is something we hope you will take part in at BLC.
Our service length is generally an hour and a half long.
BLC uses art, in many different forms, to continually bring praises to our God as a church.
Music plays a big role in our service and includes a variety of styles but has a strong foundation in gospel and contemporary song form. Our worship team is occasionally joined on Sunday mornings by our two children's choirs to help lead God’s people in song. In addition to our worship team and our band, BLC also incorporates praise dance into special services throughout the church year.
We aim to bring our best before the Lord and hope to see you on Sunday mornings!
Join us In-Person or Online at 10:30 AM on Sundays for Live Worship!
Click here to join us!

At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we are proud members of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), embracing its rich heritage of faith. We believe in the power of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to connect us to our faith and to one another. Dedicated to providing God-honoring worship, we approach every aspect with care and attention to detail. Our team is passionate about glorifying God, finding joy and purpose in every endeavor for HIS glory. We also hold to the beliefs in the authority of Scripture as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and the importance of carrying out the Great Commission to share the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. In accordance with our Lutheran tradition, we practice close(d) communion, welcoming fellow believers who share our confession of faith to partake in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper with us.